Win a Reaper Rod
Fly Fishing Stories from Everyday Anglers
I bet that you have a few fish stories to share but finding an audience to share them is getting tougher. Your friends are tired of them and your family just start yawning when you bring up the topic. Well, don’t despair because Mystic wants to hear all about them and share them with the world. We’ve started the My Fish Story contest for folks like you and for us to spread the excitement of our favorite sport – Fly Fishing.
Here are the details of My Fish Story Contest:
To enter:
- Write a 200-300 words essay (more is OK) describing your most memorable fishing experience preferably using a Mystic fly rod but not mandatory
- Provide images to go along with your essay. 1 photo minimum, but 2 photos preferred. If a rod is in image, it should be a Mystic Fly Rod or an undistinguishable brand
- Submit your essay and photos to
- Submission for the contest will start 9/7/17 and end 9/18/17
- The contest will last about eight weeks. Target end date is 11/05/17
- After we’ve received all entries, we will post the essay entries to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
- At the end of the contest period, the top two essays with the most likes will win.
- Winners will be announced on social media and our website. An email will also be sent.
- Everyone who submits a valid entry will receive a 10% off coupon. The coupon is only valid once and can only be used with one email address.
- The entry with the most likes will receive a Mystic Reaper of their choice.
- The second-place entry will receive Mystic tools and logo wear
- 3rd to 5th place winners will get an additional 20% coupon for online purchases
- First and second place essays will also be featured on our website.